Friday, 08 December 2006

Wild wild west - Bolivian style


We arrived in Tupiza at 3:30am and paid 8 bolivianos for a taxi ride to take us a whole 2 blocks... we had no map so weren�t to know.

We were pleasantly surprised by the nice older gentleman at the hostal who wasn�t the least bit upset to see us at that time of morning.  Our room was ok but it only had net curtains.  The rest of the hostal was very nice.

This is Tupiza (by day).  It looks like a western movie set.

We tried to book a tour of the Salar de Uyuni but couldn�t find a company with enough other people going which would then lower the price into an acceptable range.  The price for 6 people was typically US$100 per person and that was all we wanted to pay.

So, to keep ourselves amused while we waited for more people to sign up we decided to go for a tour of the countryside, wild wild west style... on horseback.  Seasoned pros, as you can see.

This is what we saw in the 5 hour tour.

We came upon a "massive" waterfall...

I took the challenge and scaled this monster...

To the top.

This part of the hillside is known to have a certain phallic resemblance.

A few more pictures.

A well deserved meal for my horse... which tried to eat every piece of greenery we passed, including the ones with spikes (mad bugger).

Oh, and one other thing.  The guide gave me (Regan) the crazy horse.  Any time another horse started to gallop mine had to win the race.  At one point another tourist (Morgan, we�d later join him on the Salar Tour) took off at a furious pace and it was all I could do to hold on to the damn thing.  When the guide (and Erin) caught up he looked relieved to see me alive and still ahorse, but all Erin could do was piss herself laughing.

Erin reckons her horse was bigger but mine was faster!  I always won, whether I really wanted to or not, mad bugger.

(Erin) I didn�t try to win because I thought Regan might fall off if I over took him!

Juanita: I know how Erin felt. I had exactly the same response to your horse adventures Regan. Was it by any chane called Trigger (as in "Hair" Trigger) (12/09/06)

sue: Amazing to see such startling green trees in that landscape. Regan looks so good on a horse, I can see some land/horses in your horoscopes! (12/10/06)